Custom Orthotics

Why Custom Orthotics?

Orthotics can help reduce pain and reduce risk for developing various foot, knee, hip, and low back conditions. Some people with jobs or hobbies where they spend a lot of time on their feet also use them preventatively.

They work by dampening vertical ground reaction forces (in other words by helping with shock absorption) when we walk, stand, or run. Custom orthotics are orthotics that are taken from a 3D scan or cast, and allow for an orthotic to be specifically tailored to an individuals foot posture and arch pattern.

Custom orthotics help with shock absorption more than over the counter orthotics, and also have the added benefit of modifying unhelpful foot postures, supporting our arches, and improving gait efficiency. Orthotics range from soft (over the counter gels) to rigid models, and proper prescription takes into consideration what level of support is needed for the individual.

Custom orthotics assessment Chilliwack

Custom Orthotics can be helpful when:

  1. When dealing with ongoing foot, knee, hip, or low back pain, tightness, or discomfort - Improper foot posture or walking mechanics is a common cause of irritation or pain in the extremities as well as the lower spine. Not everyone with pain in these areas will benefit from an orthotic, so it is important to have one’s foot posture and mechanics assessed to see if an orthotic might help. For pain conditions, orthotics are often most helpful when they are also combined with treatments and exercises that help to improve foot mechanics.

  2. To help reduce the risk of future issues when a dysfunctional foot posture or foot mechanic is present - Individuals with foot function issues are at higher risk for later developing painful conditions in their feet, knees, hips, or low back. In this situation an assessment will reveal whether or not an orthotic would be helpful for prevention.

  3. For sport performance - Orthotics can help improve performance in running sports by improving running gait efficiency and optimizing lower limb biomechanics.

Common conditions that custom orthotics can help with:

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Metatarsalgia

  • Shin splints

  • Hallux valgus and rigidus

  • Toe and ankle osteoarthritis

  • Achilles tendinitis

  • Knee pain, hip pain

  • Low back pain

Biomechanical foot issues that custom orthotics can help with:

Foot pain custom orthotics Chilliwack
  • Flat feet or fallen arches

  • Excessively high arches

  • Ankle weakness or instability

  • Improper walking mechanics

  • Improper running mechanics

Dr. van de Wall’s assessment for custom orthotics includes:

  1. Foot posture assessment

  2. Walking gait assessment

  3. Lower extremity flexibility and strength testing

  4. Leg length measurement

  5. Low back and pelvic screen

Foot postures custom orthotics Chilliwack
Custom orthotics Chilliwack options

Custom Orthotics Guide

    1. Contact your extended health provider to see if they are covered as part of your plan. Most providers will cover a certain dollar amount every 1-2 years.

    2. If you are sure you want orthotics, contact the clinic at 604-703-6470 to book a free orthotics casting appointment.

    3. If you want orthotics but are dealing with a longstanding or complicated pain issue, we recommend booking an initial chiropractic session with Dr. van de Wall for further assessment. This visit will also include assessment and casting for orthotics if deemed helpful.

  • Orthotics are only helpful when prescribed for the right condition and the right individual. If you would like to look into them but aren't sure if they will help for your issue, we recommend booking an initial chiropractic visit with Dr. van de Wall for further assessment. If orthotics aren't suitable for you issue, he can direct you to other treatment options.

    See below for clinic contact details.

  • Orthotics are prescribed for a wide variety of reasons and with varying techniques. If you have tried them and they haven't helped your issue, it's possible you may need a different style of orthotic. It may also be possible that an orthotic is not the right solution for your problem. In these situations it is often more helpful to focus on foot and ankle treatment and rehabilitation to resolve an ongoing issue. This may include things like retraining walking or standing patterns, foot strengthening, etc.

Custom orthotics Chilliwack casting

Interested in custom orthotics or have questions?

Contact Optimum Sport & Health Centre

604-703-6470 or email at